Мостові випрямлячі | INFINEON (EUPEC)

Our wide assortment offers various parts from the semiconductor section, including bridge rectifiers.

Single and three-phase bridges manufactured as:
  • integrated circuits in housings for surface and through-hole mounting on printed circuit boards,
  • ...

Our wide assortment offers various parts from the semiconductor section, including bridge rectifiers.

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Результатів на сторінці:

Our wide assortment offers various parts from the semiconductor section, including bridge rectifiers.

Single and three-phase bridges manufactured as:
  • integrated circuits in housings for surface and through-hole mounting on printed circuit boards,
  • in the housings of electro-insulated modules
  • built of discrete elements for larger currents with natural and forced air cooling as well as water cooling
Bridges for surface mounting are made as single-phase and have rated currents from 0.5A to 1A. Repeatable peak reverse voltage of the bridge diodes in the standard version are in the range from 40V to 1000V. They are produced in typical SO and SO-DIL casings.

Three-phase bridges made in a casing for 40x20x10 in the through-hole assembly have rated currents in the range from 6A to 35A and repeatable peak reverse voltage diodes from 50V to 1600V. Bridges in the housing type 28.5x28.5x10 with connector terminals have the same electrical parameters and are adapted for mounting on a heat sink.

Single-phase and three-phase rectifying bridges, used in high-current applications and where significant overloads occur, are produced from discrete components in pellet housing. Bridge designs are adapted for cooling with forced airflow or water cooling. High bridge superstructures are made for individual orders according to the customer's requirements.