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We're offering various surge protection devices, including surge protection for power cabling intended for use in industrial sectors.

The MA3350 is available for either AC or DC applications. The AC [&] DC versions are rated to a full 50kA (8/20µs) with the DC...

We're offering various surge protection devices, including surge protection for power cabling intended for use in...

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picture_as_pdf MA05 / 10 - кріплення ліній електропередач MTL Instruments MA05 / 10 - кріплення ліній електропередач ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf MA3350 - Лімітні вимикачі для ліній електропередач MTL Instruments MA3350 - Лімітні вимикачі для ліній електропередач ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
Результатів на сторінці:

We're offering various surge protection devices, including surge protection for power cabling intended for use in industrial sectors.

The MA3350 is available for either AC or DC applications. The AC [&] DC versions are rated to a full 50kA (8/20µs) with the DC version also rated at 15kA (10/350µs). These units carry a suite of diagnostics that monitors each component of the suppression circuit. Each unit has positive indication showing both the presence of power and the status of the unit. Remote monitoring of the MA3350 is possible using the standard voltage free contacts.

The MA05/10 EMC/surge protection devices can be incorporated into, or mounted close to, individual items of electrical equipment, providing immediate local protection against surges and electrical noise. In addition, these unique units combine RFI filtering and ring suppression therefore aiding compliance with EMC directives.

MTL Instruments is a part of Eaton group and Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds series. Eaton Corporation is an enterprise working in power management, specializing in electronic components and safe electric power systems; hydraulic components; systems and services for industrial and compact devices; fuel systems; hydraulics and pneumatics for commercial and military planes; drive systems for cars and trucks.