Індикатор панелі потоку
Індикатор панелі потоку

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Виробник: ELEN

Індикатор панелі потоку

Panel flow meter DPP 2011 is an electronic device, which monitor liquid flow (beer or other drinks) in pipes. It is possible to connect 6 independent flow meters. Each flow meter state can be observed on the seven segment display. Each channel readout can be reset by pressing reset button. DPP 2011 is equipped with series interface RS232/RS485, which can be used to data transmission to another device( computer or led display).

Front panel

panelowy wskaźnik przepływu przedni panel

Technical specyfication

Measurement unit litter (l)
Accuracy Depends on flow meter
Read out format 999.999,9 (resolution 0,1 L)
or 9999.999 (resolution in millilitres)
Flow meter connectors 1 - 6
Flow meter supply 13.6 V / 90 mA
Output flow meter frequency max 100 Hz
Calibration range 1 ÷ 65 000 impulses/ litter (controlled, each channel individually)
Max flow meter distance do 50 m
Data connector 0.08 ÷ 2.5 mm2 
Battery build in, type gel, 6V/ 1,3 Ah
Battery operation time min. 3 h
Connection RS232 (max. 15m), RS485 (max. 1000 m), only one interface can be used at the same time
Battery management Automatic load, Deep discharge protection
Power supply 230 V / 50 Hz, 5 VA
Protection level IP54
Operation temperature -10°C ÷ +40°C
Relative humidity 20% ÷ 90%, without condensation
Dimensions 182 mm x 180 mm x 64 mm
Weight 1,5 kg

Flow meter connection


External dimensions

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Panel flow meter DPP 2011 is an electronic device, which monitor liquid flow (beer or other drinks) in pipes. It is possible to connect 6 independent flow meters. Each flow meter state can be observed on the seven segment display. Each channel readout can be reset by pressing reset button. DPP 2011 is equipped with series interface RS232/RS485, which can be used to data transmission to another device( computer or led display).

Front panel

panelowy wskaźnik przepływu przedni panel

Technical specyfication

Measurement unit litter (l)
Accuracy Depends on flow meter
Read out format 999.999,9 (resolution 0,1 L)
or 9999.999 (resolution in millilitres)
Flow meter connectors 1 - 6
Flow meter supply 13.6 V / 90 mA
Output flow meter frequency max 100 Hz
Calibration range 1 ÷ 65 000 impulses/ litter (controlled, each channel individually)
Max flow meter distance do 50 m
Data connector 0.08 ÷ 2.5 mm2 
Battery build in, type gel, 6V/ 1,3 Ah
Battery operation time min. 3 h
Connection RS232 (max. 15m), RS485 (max. 1000 m), only one interface can be used at the same time
Battery management Automatic load, Deep discharge protection
Power supply 230 V / 50 Hz, 5 VA
Protection level IP54
Operation temperature -10°C ÷ +40°C
Relative humidity 20% ÷ 90%, without condensation
Dimensions 182 mm x 180 mm x 64 mm
Weight 1,5 kg

Flow meter connection


External dimensions

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