Explosion venting
  • Explosion venting

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Виробник: StuvEx International NV

Explosion venting

Vent panels are devices that are used to allow the release of gases, vapors, or dusts from an enclosure or system in a controlled manner. They are typically used in hazardous areas where the accumulation of flammable gases or dusts could pose a risk of explosion or fire.

Vent panels can operate in a number of different ways, depending on the specific design and application. Some vent panels use mechanical means, such as a spring-loaded mechanism, to open and close the vent. Others use electrical or pneumatic actuators to open and close the vent.

When the pressure inside the enclosure or system reaches a certain level, the vent panel will open to allow the release of gases, vapors, or dusts. This helps to prevent the build-up of pressure, which could potentially lead to an explosion or fire. Once the pressure has been relieved, the vent panel will close to prevent the entry of flammable materials into the enclosure or system.

A simple and affordable solution.

An explosion vent is an ATEX ‘safety system’ for the venting of explosion pressure. Its efficient functioning as a safety system depends on the right venting area and the correct positioning on the process equipment. See also EN 14491.


  • Suitable both for dust and gas explosions

  • 100% efficiency

  • Usable with underpressure and overpressure

  • Simple and fast mounting

  • Smooth interior surface eliminates 'dead corners'

  • Also available with thermal insulation in high temperature version

In case of an explosion, the Flame Catcher prevents flames from propagating beyond the Flame Catcher. 

  • Complies with EN 16009:2011

  • Casing available in carbon or stainless steel or aluminium

  • Easy to install

  • Virtually maintenance free

  • Flame arrestor mesh available in packs for easy replacement

0,00 PLN
0,00 PLN Cena brutto/szt.
0,00 PLN Cena netto/szt.
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Ви повинні увійти в систему

Vent panels are devices that are used to allow the release of gases, vapors, or dusts from an enclosure or system in a controlled manner. They are typically used in hazardous areas where the accumulation of flammable gases or dusts could pose a risk of explosion or fire.

Vent panels can operate in a number of different ways, depending on the specific design and application. Some vent panels use mechanical means, such as a spring-loaded mechanism, to open and close the vent. Others use electrical or pneumatic actuators to open and close the vent.

When the pressure inside the enclosure or system reaches a certain level, the vent panel will open to allow the release of gases, vapors, or dusts. This helps to prevent the build-up of pressure, which could potentially lead to an explosion or fire. Once the pressure has been relieved, the vent panel will close to prevent the entry of flammable materials into the enclosure or system.

A simple and affordable solution.

An explosion vent is an ATEX ‘safety system’ for the venting of explosion pressure. Its efficient functioning as a safety system depends on the right venting area and the correct positioning on the process equipment. See also EN 14491.


  • Suitable both for dust and gas explosions

  • 100% efficiency

  • Usable with underpressure and overpressure

  • Simple and fast mounting

  • Smooth interior surface eliminates 'dead corners'

  • Also available with thermal insulation in high temperature version

In case of an explosion, the Flame Catcher prevents flames from propagating beyond the Flame Catcher. 

  • Complies with EN 16009:2011

  • Casing available in carbon or stainless steel or aluminium

  • Easy to install

  • Virtually maintenance free

  • Flame arrestor mesh available in packs for easy replacement

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