Серія SGT
  • Серія SGT

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Виробник: EBG

Серія SGT

Series SGT

The SGT series meet the most stringent requirements regarding temperature coefficient in connection with high stability performance at high operating voltages. The low temperature coefficient minimizes ohmic value change generated through the warm-up due the power dissipation. Typical applications are medical systems like X-ray, nuclear spin tomography, as well as power supplies or instruments.

  • up to 48 kV operating voltage
  • Non-Inductive design
  • ROHS compliant
  • Voltages up to 60% higher than the values listed - “S“-Version

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Series SGT

The SGT series meet the most stringent requirements regarding temperature coefficient in connection with high stability performance at high operating voltages. The low temperature coefficient minimizes ohmic value change generated through the warm-up due the power dissipation. Typical applications are medical systems like X-ray, nuclear spin tomography, as well as power supplies or instruments.

  • up to 48 kV operating voltage
  • Non-Inductive design
  • ROHS compliant
  • Voltages up to 60% higher than the values listed - “S“-Version

Product Card - Download

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