Soft start (системы плавного пуска)

We're offering a wide assortment of products from the soft starts category from Danfoss. 

Soft starts 

They are perfect solutions for applications where there are many  soft start cycles. They can be used with pumps and ventilators, feeders, transporters....

We're offering a wide assortment of products from the soft starts category from Danfoss. 

Soft starts...

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picture_as_pdf М'які починається Danfoss М'які починається ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf 037N0074 MCI-3 380-480VAC 1.5KW 2-480VAC / DC Danfoss 037N0074 MCI-3 380-480VAC 1.5KW 2-480VAC / DC ZOBACZ 037N0074 На замовлення 22,5 mm 380 - 415 V 3:00 AM 1,5 / 2 kW --
picture_as_pdf 037N0040 MCI-25 380-480VAC 11KW 2-480VAC / DC Danfoss 037N0040 MCI-25 380-480VAC 11KW 2-480VAC / DC ZOBACZ 037N0040 На замовлення 90 mm 380 - 480 V 25 A 11 / 15 kW --
picture_as_pdf 037N0039 MCI-15 380-480VAC 7,5KW 24-480VAC / DC Danfoss 037N0039 MCI-15 380-480VAC 7,5KW 24-480VAC / DC ZOBACZ 037N0039 На замовлення 45 mm -- 15 A 7,5 kW --
picture_as_pdf 037N0070 MCI-30 380-480VAC 15KW * 24-480VAC / DC Danfoss 037N0070 MCI-30 380-480VAC 15KW * 24-480VAC / DC ZOBACZ 037N0070 На замовлення 90 mm 380 - 480 V 25 (30) A 15 kW I-O, bypass
Результатів на сторінці:

We're offering a wide assortment of products from the soft starts category from Danfoss. 

Soft starts 

They are perfect solutions for applications where there are many  soft start cycles. They can be used with pumps and ventilators, feeders, transporters.  Because of set up start torque and unique function (kick start) which force static friction, they are able to cope with almost every application. They reduce stresses and vibrations during start ups and stops, which make production lines more reliable. Also start up currents reduction lowers voltage drops on light mains. 

Soft starters - application

During the start-up of the high power electric systems (e.g. engines, lighting cables) some damaging situations can occur, including surges - sudden increase of the current with a decrease of the voltage at the same time. This situation usually leads to damage to the installation and electrical devices. Soft Starters provide a soft start-up and eliminate unwanted situations, but also guarantee safe, log and effective work of the system. They are also a very useful solution in case of a limited operational space in the electric cabinet. 

Danfoss is one of the biggest energy-efficient and innovation suppliers in the world. They are a leading company in electric drives rotation speed regulation subject – they own the biggest in the world drives’ register that consist of converters VLT® and VACON®. Danfoss is the original inventor of both the radiator thermostat and the automatic differential pressure controller. They specialize also in thermostatic expansion valves for refrigeration systems, one of the world’s first radiator thermostats for regulating heating, world’s first mass-produced frequency converters, and today's telematics used for precision farming. The supplier provides products and solutions used for Food Retail, Air Conditioning, Industrial and Commercial Refrigeration. Their assortment includes valves, sensors, electronics, pumps, heat exchangers and compressors eg. oil free centrifugal Danfoss Turbocor® compressor. 

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