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Виробник: WeSiTec eK


For use with grounding systems SYMEGA VO / SI

For use in hazardous areas according to DIN EN 60079-14

General Information
The 2-core spiralcables from WeSiTec are used to connect the intrinsically safe circuits of the grounding system SYMEGA-VO / SYMEGA SI with its peripherals (e.g. grounding clamps). The cable sheath is highly resistant to acids, alkalis, mineral oils, greases and other chemicals. The spiral cables meet all requirements of the standards DIN EN 60079-0 and DIN EN 60079-14 and may be used accordingly in hazardous areas. The spiral cables are exclusively for use in intrinsically safe circuits according to DIN EN 60079-11.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Highly flexible cable
  • Resistant to acids, alkalis and chemicals
  • Free of silicones
  • Customer-specific production of special lengths

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For use with grounding systems SYMEGA VO / SI

For use in hazardous areas according to DIN EN 60079-14

General Information
The 2-core spiralcables from WeSiTec are used to connect the intrinsically safe circuits of the grounding system SYMEGA-VO / SYMEGA SI with its peripherals (e.g. grounding clamps). The cable sheath is highly resistant to acids, alkalis, mineral oils, greases and other chemicals. The spiral cables meet all requirements of the standards DIN EN 60079-0 and DIN EN 60079-14 and may be used accordingly in hazardous areas. The spiral cables are exclusively for use in intrinsically safe circuits according to DIN EN 60079-11.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Highly flexible cable
  • Resistant to acids, alkalis and chemicals
  • Free of silicones
  • Customer-specific production of special lengths
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