Тиристори | INFINEON (EUPEC)

A thyristor is a controllable semiconductor device, which from the blocking state goes into the conduction state after giving a short control pulse to the gate of the thyristor.

Our offer includes:
  • standard thyristors
  • fast thyristors
  • ...
A thyristor is a controllable semiconductor device, which from the blocking state goes into the conduction state after giving a...
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picture_as_pdf стандарт тиристори Infineon Tyrystory standard ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- --
picture_as_pdf Асиметричні тиристори швидко Infineon Асиметричні швидкі тиристори ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- --
picture_as_pdf T700n22tof thyrystor Infineon T700n22tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T700N22TOF На замовлення 700 A 2200 V
picture_as_pdf T690n06tof thyrystor Infineon T690n06tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T690N06TOF На замовлення 690 A 600 V
picture_as_pdf T680n14tof thyrystor Infineon T680n14tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T680N14TOF На замовлення 680 A 1400 V
picture_as_pdf T660n26tof thyrystor Infineon T660n26tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T660N26TOF На замовлення 660 A 2600 V
picture_as_pdf T658n26tof thyrystor Infineon T658n26tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T658N26TOF На замовлення 658 A 2600 V
picture_as_pdf T640n16tof thyrystor Infineon T640n16tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T640N16TOF На замовлення 640 A 1600 V
picture_as_pdf T618n14tof thyrystor Infineon T618n14tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T618N14TOF На замовлення 618 A 1400 V
picture_as_pdf T590n16tof thyrystor Infineon T590n16tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T590N16TOF На замовлення 590 A 1600 V
picture_as_pdf T588n14tof thyrystor Infineon T588n14tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T588N14TOF На замовлення 588 A 1400 V
picture_as_pdf T580n06tof thyrystor Infineon T580n06tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T580N06TOF На замовлення 580 A 600 V
picture_as_pdf T560n16tof thyrystor Infineon T560n16tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T560N16TOF На замовлення 560 A 1600 V
picture_as_pdf T470n16tof thyrystor Infineon T470n16tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T470N16TOF На замовлення 470 A 1600 V
picture_as_pdf T718n18tof thyrystor Infineon T718n18tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T718N18TOF На замовлення 718 A 1800 V
picture_as_pdf T720n18tof thyrystor Infineon T720n18tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T720N18TOF На замовлення 720 A 1800 V
picture_as_pdf T879n14tof thyrystor Infineon T879n14tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T879N14TOF На замовлення 870 A 1400 V
picture_as_pdf T1330n18tof thyrystor Infineon T1330n18tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T1330N18TOF На замовлення 1330 A 1800 V
picture_as_pdf T1218n20tof thyrystor Infineon T1218n20tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T1218N20TOF На замовлення 1200 A 2000 V
picture_as_pdf T430n16tof thyrystor Infineon T430n16tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T430N16TOF На замовлення 430 A 1600 V
picture_as_pdf T940n18tof thyrystor Infineon T940n18tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T940N18TOF На замовлення 940 A 1800 V
picture_as_pdf T920n06tof thyrystor Infineon T920n06tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T920N06TOF На замовлення 920 A 600 V
picture_as_pdf T880n18tof thyrystor Infineon T880n18tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T880N18TOF На замовлення 880 A 1800 V
picture_as_pdf T830n18tof thyrystor Infineon T830n18tof thyrystor ZOBACZ T830N18TOF На замовлення 830 A 1800 V
Результатів на сторінці:
A thyristor is a controllable semiconductor device, which from the blocking state goes into the conduction state after giving a short control pulse to the gate of the thyristor.

Our offer includes:
  • standard thyristors
  • fast thyristors
  • asymmetric thyristors
Standard thyristors are suitable for the construction of converters operating at the frequency of 50 Hz power networks. They can be used for the construction of controlled rectifiers and power regulators as well as soft-starters.

Fast Thyristors
Fast thyristors, also called impulse thyristors, are characterized by a short switching time, high resistance to the steepness of conduction current rise, and short time of switching off. Can be used in current inverters and voltage inverters, as well as in DC drive converters and induction heating.

Asymmetric Thyristors
Asymmetric thyristors are characterized by low backward and comparable voltage, with other types of thyristors, blocking voltage. They are used primarily in traction converters of drive systems.

Thyristors – Protection
Thyristors require protection against the effects of short circuits and switching overvoltages. Only quick fuses specially designed to protect diodes and thyristors can be used for short circuit protection. To protect the thyristors against overvoltages, an RC muffler, varistors, and special semiconductor elements switched between the gate and the anode, e.g. BOD type, are used.