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We're offering an extensive assortment of heatsinks and cooling solutions from Alutronic for industrial applications.

Our offer includes: water heatsinks for diodes and thyristors from Alutronic - in the version of cooling plates.

Water heat sinks in the shape of cooling...

We're offering an extensive assortment of heatsinks and cooling solutions from Alutronic for industrial applications.

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picture_as_pdf Радіатори Вода для діодів і тиристорів ALUTRONIC Радіатори Вода для діодів і тиристорів ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
picture_as_pdf Радіатори Вода - теплоносії ALUTRONIC Радіатори Вода - теплоносії ZOBACZ -- На замовлення
Результатів на сторінці:

We're offering an extensive assortment of heatsinks and cooling solutions from Alutronic for industrial applications.

Our offer includes: water heatsinks for diodes and thyristors from Alutronic - in the version of cooling plates.

Water heat sinks in the shape of cooling plates are used for power diodes, thyristor and transistors with flat base cooling. It is possible to assembly another sub-assemblies and electronic devices, which has flat base. Cooling plates can be made out of copper or aluminium. They can by uniform plates with hollowed internal channels or repeatable elements with channels, which are put together.

Water heatsinks

Radiators are used for carrying heat created in the power semiconductive device during the flow of the current to the environment. To achieve that, most often used structures are radiators cooled with air or water. 

Applications of water heatsinks:

  • electronics and mechanical devices;
  • elements with a huge heat overload;
  • as cooling for Peltier cells (module for cooling or heating of the components);
  • automotive sector - cooling charging modules in electric cars;
  • diodes;
  • transistors and thyristors - when devices create too much heat and the enclosure is not able to cool it down.

Benefits of water heatsinks: 

  • silent work;
  • no moving elements;
  • no dust concentration;
  • faultless operation;
  • better effectiveness than in air heatsinks. 

Alutronic is a producer of a wide range of air radiators, heat sinks, cooling systems, heat conduction solutions and designing parts. The company has been operating on the market since 1977, providing optimized solutions and high quality cooling systems. They offer both standard and highly innovative products, adjusted to each customer and individual needs of a project.

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