WL-o series turboblower
  • WL-o series turboblower
  • WL-o series turboblower
  • WL-o series turboblower

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Виробник: Turbowin

WL-o series turboblower

Outdoor Turbo Blower

The biggest difference between an outdoor turbo blower and a so-called regular turbo blower is the housing package. Designed to withstand outdoor weather conditions such as rain and snow, high salinity caused by coastal waves, or other external factors, the outdoor turbo blower housing is made from special materials to ensure significantly higher product quality based on IP55 and IP56 standards.

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Outdoor Turbo Blower

The biggest difference between an outdoor turbo blower and a so-called regular turbo blower is the housing package. Designed to withstand outdoor weather conditions such as rain and snow, high salinity caused by coastal waves, or other external factors, the outdoor turbo blower housing is made from special materials to ensure significantly higher product quality based on IP55 and IP56 standards.

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