Кінцеві вимикачі для військових, залізничних та авіаційних застосувань

We specialize in providing limit switches for military, railway, and air applications.

Our offer includes Honeywell products, mainly offering CH and EN series. Limit switches of this series are designed and certified with norms that allow them to be used in the most requiring...

We specialize in providing limit switches for military, railway, and air applications.

Our offer includes...

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picture_as_pdf Limit switch for military, railway and air applications Honeywell Limit switch for military, railway and air applications ZOBACZ -- На замовлення -- -- --
picture_as_pdf 602EN602-6 Limit switch -- 602EN602-6 Limit switch ZOBACZ 602EN602-6 2 6-core cable 1.8 m Trzpień 2PDT
picture_as_pdf 21en9-6 -- 21en9-6 ZOBACZ 21EN9-6 На замовлення Przewód 1,8 m Trzpień z rolką 2 SPDT
picture_as_pdf 1CH28 Microsper Honeywell 1CH28 Microsper ZOBACZ 1CH28 1 Przewód 1 m Trzpień SPDT
picture_as_pdf 1en1-6 microswitch -- 1en1-6 microswitch ZOBACZ 1EN1-6 1 Przewód 1,8 m Trzpień 2 SPDT
picture_as_pdf 21CH28 Microswitch Honeywell 21CH28 Microswitch ZOBACZ 21CH28 44 Przewód 1 m Trzpień z rolką SPDT
picture_as_pdf 4en1-6 Лімітний перемикач -- 4en1-6 Лімітний перемикач ZOBACZ 4EN1-6 На замовлення Przewód 1,8 m Trzpień 2 DPDT
Результатів на сторінці:

We specialize in providing limit switches for military, railway, and air applications.

Our offer includes Honeywell products, mainly offering CH and EN series. Limit switches of this series are designed and certified with norms that allow them to be used in the most requiring applications. They are compliant with MIL-PRF-8805 norma sn made for use in plane undercarriage, trains, train coupling. Often also used in military vehicles, antennas, and radars.

Limit switches have an integrated cable and thanks to the additional sealing they’re resistant to aggressive weather conditions, dirt, oil, and grease. They can also work at a very low or very high temperature.

Construction and applications 

Hermetic enclosures, a wide range of work temperature, resistance to vibrations, and MIL-PRF-8805 construction. They are commonly used in aviation, rail, military, and construction machines. Sealed Switches, as Honeywell calls them, are made for applications, where reliability and durability are key factors for a given application.