Ігрові наповнювачі - GFL
  • Ігрові наповнювачі - GFL
  • Ігрові наповнювачі - GFL
  • Ігрові наповнювачі - GFL

Фотографії призначені тільки для інформаційних цілей. Подивитися специфікацію продукту

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Виробник: Kerafol

Ігрові наповнювачі - GFL

Thermal compounds can be used to encapsulate entire applications and apply to covers of enclosures or heat sinks. Thanks to their ease of use, they allow the encapsulation of even the most complex geometries.

Product properties

  • Curing at room temperature
  • Installation in the form of a fluid
  • High flexibility


  • Cartridges with 2 components: 50/400 ml
  • Cans: 0.5 / 1.0 kg
  • Hobbocks: up to 34.5 kg for each component
  • Other solutions - on request.

Technical data

Material Thermal conductivity Viscosity Dielectric breakdown Density Hardness
W/mK Pas kV/mm g/cm3 Shore 00
GFL 3040 4.3 55-85 10 3.1 65-85
GFL 3030 3.0 50-80 12 2.9* 65-85
GFL 3025 2.5 30-60 16 2.83 65-85
GFL 3020 1.8 45-70 20 2.3 45-60
GFL 1800 SL (low viscosity) 1.8 2-7 15 2.3 55-75
GFU 15 (silicone free) 1.5 140-160 16 2.3 65-85

(*) Rounded values.

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Thermal compounds can be used to encapsulate entire applications and apply to covers of enclosures or heat sinks. Thanks to their ease of use, they allow the encapsulation of even the most complex geometries.

Product properties

  • Curing at room temperature
  • Installation in the form of a fluid
  • High flexibility


  • Cartridges with 2 components: 50/400 ml
  • Cans: 0.5 / 1.0 kg
  • Hobbocks: up to 34.5 kg for each component
  • Other solutions - on request.

Technical data

Material Thermal conductivity Viscosity Dielectric breakdown Density Hardness
W/mK Pas kV/mm g/cm3 Shore 00
GFL 3040 4.3 55-85 10 3.1 65-85
GFL 3030 3.0 50-80 12 2.9* 65-85
GFL 3025 2.5 30-60 16 2.83 65-85
GFL 3020 1.8 45-70 20 2.3 45-60
GFL 1800 SL (low viscosity) 1.8 2-7 15 2.3 55-75
GFU 15 (silicone free) 1.5 140-160 16 2.3 65-85

(*) Rounded values.

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