Двокомпонентна смола з партією E520C + D88, полімеризація при температурі навколишнього середовища
Двокомпонентна смола з партією E520C + D88, полімеризація при температурі навколишнього середовища

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Виробник: SEG

Двокомпонентна смола з партією E520C + D88, полімеризація при температурі навколишнього середовища


 Half hard resin is used in electro technical and electronic industry.
- electric material insulation
- flooding delicate electronic components.
Main characteristics:
-two component epoxide resin with insert has good thermal conductance and is compatible with insulation systems class F.

- in containers 1, 5 and 20 kg and barrels 220 kg,
- part B is delivered in corresponding proportion to part A..

Storage conditions:
It is recommended to: storage far away from light, heat and cold source, in original closed container. Product is sensitive for humidity. resin can be stored for 4 months in temperature 5-30C and hardener - 12 months in temperature 5-30C.

Obtain room temperature for 48 hours before usage.

Protection and hygiene:
- Resin components don't corrode.
- it is prohibited to touch with skin, or inhale
- it is recommended to use gloves, glasses and mask.

Preliminary polymer part A Hardener part B

viscosity @ 23°C 


23000 ± 4500 mPas

viscosity @ 23°C

10 ±2 mPas






Volume weight

ISO 2811

1.74 g/ml





Mixture A + B

Mixture weight ratio


100/13 ± 1

Mixture volume ratio



Insert content



viscosity @ 23°C


1.74 g/ml



1500 ±700 mPas

Volume weight

ISO 2811

1.58 g/ml

lifetime  150 g - 23°C


260 min

Gelation time @ 23°C - 150 g


300 min

Gelation time @ 78°C - 2,5 g


6±2 min

Exothermic peak @ 50 g



Exothermic peak @ 100 g



Exothermic peak @ 200 g




@ 20°C



@ 100°C

  1h50 min

Mechanical properties

Line shrinkage

ISO 3521


Break off resistance ISO R 527

250 daN/cm2

Lengthening during break off

ISO R 527


Shore hardness A/D @ 23°C

ISO 868 67D

Dilatation coefficient


148 10-6K

Electrical properties

Dielectric withstand

CEI 243

20 kV/mm

Dielectric constant @ 23°C

CEI 250

4,4 [50Hz]

Tg 6 @ 23°C

CEI 250

0,004 [50Hz]

Thermal properties

Constant operation temperature


-30°C do 145°C

Thermal conductance


0,51 ± 0,1 W/m.°C

Glassy state transformation



Self - extinguished



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 Half hard resin is used in electro technical and electronic industry.
- electric material insulation
- flooding delicate electronic components.
Main characteristics:
-two component epoxide resin with insert has good thermal conductance and is compatible with insulation systems class F.

- in containers 1, 5 and 20 kg and barrels 220 kg,
- part B is delivered in corresponding proportion to part A..

Storage conditions:
It is recommended to: storage far away from light, heat and cold source, in original closed container. Product is sensitive for humidity. resin can be stored for 4 months in temperature 5-30C and hardener - 12 months in temperature 5-30C.

Obtain room temperature for 48 hours before usage.

Protection and hygiene:
- Resin components don't corrode.
- it is prohibited to touch with skin, or inhale
- it is recommended to use gloves, glasses and mask.

Preliminary polymer part A Hardener part B

viscosity @ 23°C 


23000 ± 4500 mPas

viscosity @ 23°C

10 ±2 mPas






Volume weight

ISO 2811

1.74 g/ml





Mixture A + B

Mixture weight ratio


100/13 ± 1

Mixture volume ratio



Insert content



viscosity @ 23°C


1.74 g/ml



1500 ±700 mPas

Volume weight

ISO 2811

1.58 g/ml

lifetime  150 g - 23°C


260 min

Gelation time @ 23°C - 150 g


300 min

Gelation time @ 78°C - 2,5 g


6±2 min

Exothermic peak @ 50 g



Exothermic peak @ 100 g



Exothermic peak @ 200 g




@ 20°C



@ 100°C

  1h50 min

Mechanical properties

Line shrinkage

ISO 3521


Break off resistance ISO R 527

250 daN/cm2

Lengthening during break off

ISO R 527


Shore hardness A/D @ 23°C

ISO 868 67D

Dilatation coefficient


148 10-6K

Electrical properties

Dielectric withstand

CEI 243

20 kV/mm

Dielectric constant @ 23°C

CEI 250

4,4 [50Hz]

Tg 6 @ 23°C

CEI 250

0,004 [50Hz]

Thermal properties

Constant operation temperature


-30°C do 145°C

Thermal conductance


0,51 ± 0,1 W/m.°C

Glassy state transformation



Self - extinguished



Informacje te są wstępne i mogą ulec zmianie. Wynikają one z prób i naszych długoletnich doświadczeń oraz oparte są na zastosowaniach w przemyśle. Nie mogą one być gwarancją ale są oparte na naszej aktualnej wiedzy i na wynikach otrzymanych w laboratorium. Należy ten wyrób przystosować do swoich potrzeb, ale nie może to pociągać jakichkolwiek zobowiązań lub gwarancji z naszej strony odnośnie zastosowania tego produktu.

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